Social Media and SEO 2017

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Since the introduction of social media platforms, the way people interact with each other has changed a lot. Internet was given a new meaning when social media platforms started to gain success, and now social media networks just do not help us to connect with friends and family, but they also help us to promote our business.

In the beginning, social media was just meant to be for communicating with friends, but now with the introduction of social media marketing and billions of people using social media, it has become a great medium to promote business. And when you are using your social media account for business you will have to have a good SEO strategy.

SEO, also known as Search engine optimization is all about always staying ahead of your competitors. SEO is very tricky and requires a lot of attention.

The industry of SEO changes with time and they change very quickly, and if you want to stay in the game and beat your competitors, you will always have to be aware of what is going on in SEO industry, and you will have to adjust to them.

Like SEO changes within the time it will be different in 2017 as well, here below are some new SEO trends that will dominate this year.

#1. Accelerated mobile pages (AMPs) will rise

One of the trends in Search engine optimization industry that will take rise is the use of Accelerated Mobile Pages. Accelerated mobile pages are a protocol of open source designed to support webmasters to create pages that can upload instantly on any mobile device. This thing, in reality, is very simple. The AMPs can make your page load eight times faster and will take a lot fewer data, and all you have to do is to make some simple modifications.  If you will take a little look and do research then you will see that Google has already started to prefer AMPs and they indicated their identity as well, the search engine prefers to show sites that are using AMPs. So it seems like in 2017 more search engines will favor AMPs more.

#2. Dense content is going to be the new way of providing content

With the SEO trends changing in 2017, there will be a lot of new things, providing dense content on social media is going to be the new SEO trend. Web sites and social media networks are already full of content that is long enough, and people are not very fond of them. It is becoming frustrating for people that they have to read the same type of content again and again that is rewritten several times.

Mostly from the beginning, the most of the efforts for SEO content was focused on making a long form content, but in recent times you can see that the efforts have been made to make the content dense. The introduction of the “epic content” has been seen that can cover topics very comprehensively. But now the market can see both type of content it very much looks like that this year the dense content is going to rise.

#3. Personal branding will become useful SEO secret tool

Personal branding is great, and it has been used very successfully as a core strategy for SEO for many years. When you are using Personal brand things becomes quite organize and simpler for you as you will have many convenient times saving guest posts.

You will be able to drive more audience to your website or social network account, and you will have a much easy way to develop user trust. But surprisingly if you take a look at stats you will see that only a few brands have utilized this thing and have not paid much attention.

Also, you can see that the social media sites like Facebook still prefers to show individual posts over personal brand posts. But this year it looks like more brands and businesses will take advantage of this tool and it will become very effective.

#4. The way algorithm works will be changed due to Machine Learning

One of the trends that are going to be introduced in 2017 is that the machine learning will change way Algorithm works. Google RankBrain that was introduced last year opened a new gate towards machine learning.

Google Hummingbird slowly start to learn about the user’s behavior and how it functions. Then they update the algorithm according to the user behavior. It’s not that they have introduced many more update like this yet, but soon it looks like Google will capitalize on this and this will have a huge impact on SEO in 2017.

#5. Social signals are still a huge ranking factor

If you are into SEO, you must know that Google gives importance to the page that have more and more social shares. So you have to write unique and shareable content so that your posts could go viral on social media and you could get some SEO benefits.

You can also use companies like Vibbi to get some social engagement. Vibbi is basically a company that provides Instagram likes and followers using their organic marketing technique. These are real people who engage with your posts, so it is worth trying.

#6. Apps favoritism will rise

In 2017 the applications will start to feel the search engine optimization love. You can see that in the last three years there have been so many SEO options that have been introduced by SEO industry for applications.

Now the app technology has gone so advanced with the SEO that it even allows you to stream the contents of an app on your phone without ever downloading the app itself.

Google has changed a lot with the applications and has catered it to the search engines. We cannot say that the apps will start to replace the traditional websites because it is too early for that but we will see significant favoritism towards the applications.

Author Bio:

Qurban Shah is a freelance writer who offers blogging, ghostwriting and copywriting services. He works closely with businesses providing digital marketing solution that increases brand awareness and search engine visibility. He’s currently working for, that provides quality Instagram followers, likes, and views.


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