10 Tips To Reduce Browser Webpage Loading Time

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Whenever a website takes the time to load, it becomes frustrating for the users or the visitors to stay on that site. So, they leave the site within no time and this increases the bounce rate thereby, decreasing the search ranking in the search engines. There are several reasons for the website to go slow in the load time. But, here we are going to discuss those factors or tips that will help you reduce your web page load time. These tips are discussed as below


#1. Try To Use Static Text Wherever You Can

This is very important to reduce the load time of your website. Most of the bloggers use online available themes to make the website look dynamic. So, it becomes unnecessarily important to call PHP functions to fetch information filled in the WordPress dashboard theme section for the purpose of displaying the site title, meta type, author information, and footer. This will, in turn, increase the load time of the website. So, it is advisable to make your web content as static as possible to reduce the load time of your website. Also, it is not going to affect your website as the same header and the footer are going to be displayed on every page of the website.

#2. Check The Current Speed Of Your Website

You need to check the current speed of your website which will give bring to your notice the factors to improve your website speed. By making those changes through the factors being noticed, you can improve the speed of your website naturally. There are several tools available to check the load time of your website.

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#3. Reduce Your Http Requests

A majority of the loading time gets consumed by components of a page like images, CSS files, and JavaScript/JS files. You can reduce the number of requests a web page makes and thereby, you can reduce the load time of your website. You can combine the multiple stylesheets and JavaScript libraries to reduce the number of HTTP requests. So, it better to use CSS in place of images and combine the multiple stylesheets into one to reduced the HTTP requests. Also, you should reduce the number of scripts and put them at the bottom.

#4. Optimize Your Images

It is very important that you should be aware of using the appropriate formats for your images. For example, GIF is ideal for images with colors like logos, JPEG is also ideal for images with colors and details like photographs, and PNG can be used when you want your images to in a high quality and transparent. Images take the majority of the time of the website to load. So, it is very important to optimize the images on your website to reduce its load time. Moreover, you can set your images in such a way that the user can see them in an enlarged form yet, they do not occupy more space of your website which will again help you in reducing the load time of your website.

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#5. Utilize Browser Caching

Browser caching basically stores the cached files from the static resources. This will speed up the page loading tremendously and will increase the number of visitors to your site. This can be done through your .htaccess file.

#6. Reduce Html, Css, And Javascript

When you compress HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it will speed up the loading time automatically. You can get a number of sources on the web to compress this type of files.

#7. Keep Your Code Clean

A clean code not only makes the developer happy but also it makes the pages load faster. When you reduce the size of the site files, it makes a great impact on the loading time of the site. Even small things like extra spaces, indentations, line breaks, and superfluous tags can also affect your page load time adversely.

#8. Minimize 301 Redirects

When a 301 redirect is used, it will force the browser to a new URL which will increase the page load time. So, it is advisable to minimize or avoid using 301 redirects in order prevent the slow loading time of your website.

#9. Ignore Using a Large Number Of Plugins

It is advisable to reduce the usage of plugins as they increase the loading time of the website. For example, most of the developers and the bloggers use the Facebook plugin to show their Facebook page on their website. Instead, they can also put the code of Facebook which they will get from the Facebook itself. So, it is better to replace the plugins with the code to prevent the slower load time of your website.

#10 . Upgrade Hosting

Most of the times it happens that you are hosting your website on a server where lot other websites are also being hosted. This is one of the reasons for reducing the load time of your website. If you desire to someday make money out of your website, then you can choose a payable server which is now quite cheaper and this will not hinder the load time of your website. So, choose a good server to host your website to increase its load time.


As there are so many factors affecting the load time of your website adversely, there are also so many ways you can increase your website’s loading time. The above-discussed tips will definitely help you in increasing your website’s load time.

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