6 Tips to Relieve Lower Back Pain

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Lower back pain is a symptom for many underlying conditions such as arthritis. However, it may just be caused by lifting a heavy weight the day before. There are many treatments for lower back pain and these are just some of them:



1. Chill it

Icepacks and dry ice, especially, are the best way to reduce inflammation. Many people have a misconception that heating is better than cooling after an injury. This is not true as heating just increases the inflammatory process while cooling decreases it. Therefore, it is crucial that you cool it rather than heat it.

2. Keep moving

Many people just lie in bed the whole day when they feel pain in their lower back. While it is true that you do not have to run a triathlon, you can keep doing your daily activities. In fact, doing your daily activities is good for you as then your back will not become stiff.

3. Stretch

Stretching is just as important as continually moving, as if you do not stretch, your back will become stiff and therefore the back pain will only increase.

4. Wear low heels

Girls may not know this but high heels are one of the causes of an unstable posture which increases the pressure on your lower spine. If you wear heels less than one inch in height, it will be a lot better for your back.

5. Lose weight

Excessive weight means that there will be more pressure on your spine. Therefore, it is crucial that you diet and exercise enough to maintain a good BMI (Body Mass Index).

6. Do not smoke

Smoking drastically increases your chances of rheumatoid arthritis and other bone problems. It is crucial that you do not smoke if you want your chances of lower back pain reduced.

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