How To Research Keywords For Finding Blog Content Ideas

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Keyword research is often an effective trick when you post deadlock ideas. In addition, keyword research is also mandatory if Qwords Friends want to have a website/blog with lots of traffic that can increase sales potential. Unfortunately, not many bloggers know how to research keywords that are good and right so that the articles written are sometimes less than optimal.

So, what is the effect of articles that are less optimized? One of them is that the article will be difficult to enter on the first page of Google. As a writer, of course, you do not want to suffer this fate, right?

What are the keywords?

A keywords or keyword is one or a series of several words typed by the user in order to get information from websites on the internet. Examples of keywords such as “How to create a WordPress website”, “Best Indian Hosting”, or “Buy a domain”

In terms of digital marketing, keywords can be divided into two types, namely paid keywords, and organic keywords. Just like the name suggests, paid keywords are paid keywords that appear from ads. While organic keywords are keywords that naturally come from visitors without the need to spend money.

Searching for the most searched keywords is easy and difficult. You can find both the long tail and the short-tail keywords that are sought after while being low in the competition through various methods. Below we have summarized tips and tutorials on how to research keywords using several tools if you are interested in learning them.

Tips for Proper Keyword Research

1.  Long Tail Keyword

If you are developing a new blog, you should focus more on targeting long keywords ranging from 4 to 6 words. The selection of keywords that are also categorized as Long-tail aims to make your website go directly to Google’s page one because usually there aren’t many who are targeting these keywords.

Apart from that, long-tail keywords more or less are also able to shape the character of readers on your website. Because the information presented is more specific and structured according to what the user is looking for.

2. Lots of Reading & Chatting with Others

This method you can do wherever and whenever. Be a good listener and digest every problem/need that is being needed by others. After meeting, then you can provide a response as a solution to the problem.

3. Determine Keyword Priority Based on Content-Type

One of the most effective tips for doing keyword research is to recognize the characteristics of website content and then determine priorities. When using tools like a keyword research tool, of course, you will find information such as search volume, level of competition / difficult keywords, to the destination.

Although often ignored, this method is actually quite powerful if applied. For example, if you are a digital pelapak then the method of search for keyword research that you must prioritize is the volume of search, then the intent and purpose (intent), and then the level of competition. Different again if you have a service website, the research method used should prioritize the intent & purpose, search volume, new level of competition.

So, what if the website used has an informative type like a blog to make money on the Internet through Adsense? For such website concepts it is better to use research methods that prioritize large search volumes, then the level of competition, and finally the intent.

Tools for Keyword Research

Already know where you want to take your website? Let’s just practice our knowledge with the following keyword research tutorial.

1. Free Keyword Research Methods Using Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest made by Neil Patel is one of the most appropriate free keyword research tools for the learning needs of beginners. This website is able to provide various information ranging from trends, search volume, CPC (Cost Per Click), PD (Paid Difficulty), and SD (SEO Difficulty), which are usually the main indicators in determining the potential of articles entering the first page of search engines.

For how to see the keywords that are sought after, there are in the second column between the trend and CPC, while to calculate the difficulty in ranking articles can be seen in the rightmost column.

Following are the steps on how to use Ubersuggest:

Go to the website

Then enter the keyword ideas that you want to analyze into the far left column, don’t forget to also specify the country / language before you press the search button.

At this point, you can actually get content ideas for articles. However, the information is still in the form of a summary that is not yet specific. If you want to get additions such as the latest SERP results and the freedom to explore search results to Microsoft Excel you can click on one of the keywords, like the screenshot in the Now is the time for you to analyze the basic ideas suggested by Ubersuggest.

2. How to Research Keywords Using the Keyword Tool

In addition to Ubersuggest, is one of the favorite websites to find the most searched blog content ideas. However, unfortunately the free version of this tool cannot be used to peek at the level of competition between keywords in search engines. For example, such as search volume, the amount of CPC (Cost per Click), trends, to the level of competition.

Here are the steps on how to research the right keywords using the Keyword Tool:

First, enter the page

Second, enter the initial keyword ideas that you want to research. This time we use the example keyword “Buy a domain” for the Indian language/country searches. After that, click on search that is displayed with a magnifying glass symbol in orange background.

At this point, you have gotten the Ubersuggest display, which contains a collection of ideas related to the keyword “Buy a domain” that was entered. By default, you can choose from the top order to get keywords with high search volume.

That’s the way to research keywords to get blog article ideas. Apart from that, the Keyword Tool can also be used to research keywords on Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, BING, Amazon, eBay, even to the Play Store. Amazing is not it?

3. Simple Keyword Research Methods Using Google Suggest

This method of keyword research is usually done by novice bloggers and professionals who are already looking for article titles quickly. The trick is by typing the results of research keywords from tools such as Ubersuggest or Ahrefs to see the long tail keywords that appear.

You can try it by going to the page, then typing the keyword ” Cheap Hosting “. Then the result you will get advice such as cheap hosting Jogja, cheap hosting India, or free hosting cheap domains that appear forever through the dropdown tab as shown below.


How to research keywords above is one of the basic knowledge that you can use for various needs. Not only limited to the idea of ​​the title of the article, but also can be used to research products that are popular, the topic of the most potential websites to reap revenue from advertising, to monitor how far the competitor’s website performance.

That’s all the articles from us, don’t forget to click on share or just leave a trail in the comments column if you have questions about you can contact through my email or contact form.

See you in the next tutorial article.

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