WordPress SEO: 4 tips to improve SEO of your blog

WordPress is the most SEO-friendly CMS (Content Management System) that exists, but that does not mean that you should sit down and wait for your site to appear directly in the top positions of Google search results without lifting a finger. Always manual SEO efforts are needed if you want your blog to perform well in organic searches.

Fortunately WordPress makes it very easy and convenient to apply the best SEO practices in the structural fabric of a website without too much technical knowledge.

A good Search Engine Optimization is essential for a proper user experience in which your blog is adapted to human visitors and not to search engines.

Consistent updates from Google have ensured that websites strive to adapt their site to reach a higher position in search results and not resort to black hat practices to reap better results.

The sites that added spam links, use keyword stuffing and / or have designs not adapted to mobile have it increasingly difficult to have good SEO results, in fact, the main search engines actively penalize the sites that make those mistakes .

Here are some tips so you can make sure that your WordPress blog is optimized for SEO and meets the needs of readers.

1. More Invest in content

Search engines are giving more importance to user behavior once they have accessed the website. The better the behavior of the main metrics of your website, the more chances you will have to rank better in Google.

For your blog to have more visits, subscribers and conversions, you need to focus on generating high quality content.

Read popular and authoritative blogs in your niche market to get an idea of ​​what your target audience may want.

Know your metrics and those of the users to whom you direct your blog . You must have an adequate view of what your segment is interested in and what you must do to get the attention of the audience.

The unique, interesting, sharable and useful content is always appreciated on the web. If you are persistent and update periodically and publish quality content, then you will be able to generate real, organic and recurring traffic that will eventually lead to a positive change in your SERPs (Google results pages).

Investigate your articles well and write in depth, with an expert voice and providing useful content to solve problems or common issues in your objective audience. Topics such as guides, tutorials , storytelling, lists or frequently asked questions are the favorites of any audience niche and constitute content that will not expire in your blog .

Unlike a tweet that disappears after a few minutes, perennial content can bring visitors for years

2. Choose a good SEO plugin

WordPress offers you the option to choose among a large number of plugins to maximize the SEO potential of your website or blog.

WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast is the most popular SEO plugin and offers many options.

Other popular options include All-In-One SEO Pack, Social WP, Rank Reveal and SEOPressor.

Keep in mind that an SEO plugin alone will not make your blog win the ranking battle . You have to continue with the SEO-friendly practices and make sure that your site is optimized for the plugin.

Yoast is very easy to configure and can be integrated with all social networks, to give updated information each time content is published.

With most SEO plugins, you can adapt the meta descriptions of each article. Make sure you create a proper meta description for each article on the website.

You can limit the titles of posts to between 130 and 155 characters. Google will truncate the description if this limit is exceeded.

Use the keyword around which the content is structured.

Yoast checks if you mentioned the keyword in the title of the article, title and URL of the page, meta description, alt description of the images and in the content of the page and will give you a green, yellow or red score according to How SEO-friendly is your post You should also make sure that other pages on your website do not focus on the same keyword to avoid traffic leakage.

3. Choose a good WordPress host

As you probably already know, Google takes into account the loading time of a site when it ranks . If your site loads quickly, then it is a great step to provide the best user experience.

There is a wide variety of exclusive WordPress hosting solutions for you to choose from and a suitable choice can improve your SEO and the popularity of your site.

Free hosting and shared hosting work well if you have a small website with limited traffic, but once your blog takes off, this option may not offer all the services you need. If your website does not generate much revenue and you only have a few hundred visitors per month, then shared hosting is perfect for your budget.

Managed eeb hosting is another great option, especially if the site already provides a good amount of revenue. There are many benefits if you prefer this more expensive option. You receive additional personalized services such as server monitoring and security status, personalized customer service, data security backup, etc.

4.Get attractive links

The right backlinks are ideal to increase the SEO in your blog.

Spam links and tactics declared “unlawful” by Google may result in harsh penalties against your site.

Place natural and useful links in your blog . Ideally, they should link to quality and authoritative sites in your niche. With these links, you will pass some authority to those sites, but you will also help increase the value of yours. Your blog will appear more interactive and informative to Google, which gives you an advantage in the rankings of the search results.

If you publish fresh, unique and interesting content, other blogs will also add a link to yours, thus improving your search ranking. When authority websites link to your blog, Google reads this as a verification of the quality of your page.

Do not forget the internal links to relevant content on your own site.

The anchor text is also important when it comes to building quality links. Use natural anchors and do not force them, because Google could see it in an unfavorable light.


WordPress is a very well constructed CMS platform that is intrinsically SEO-friendly . But if you do not work on it, it will be difficult for you to take advantage of the advantages that the system has.

Stay on top of all the updates and make sure you take all the necessary steps to be in the top positions of the Google results.


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