7 Reasons You Should Go With Cloud Computing

If you run a business or have any involvement with information technology, you’ve probably at least heard of the term “cloud computing.” Today, 82% of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy; by 2018, it’s thought that more than 60% of enterprises will have moved at least half of their infrastructures to cloud-based platforms. Moreover, one study found that about 42% of IT decision-makers planned to increase their spending on cloud computing in 2015.

cloud-computingBut what if you’re not quite sure what the cloud is, or whether using it could be beneficial for your business? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Cloud computing simply means computing that is based on the Internet. Almost all of the computer processes that used to be handled by servers in a business’ physical building can now be handled offsite. That includes running programs and applications, as well as storing and sharing data files. There are numerous reasons so many businesses, especially small and medium-sized ones, are switching to cloud-based solutions. Here are seven to get you started:

1. Flexibility and Scalability

Businesses whose IT demands are handled via the cloud find it much easier to scale and modify their operations based on current demands. If your business surges even temporarily, it’s simple to upgrade your services without making a big investment.

2. Reduced Labor and Infrastructure

Cloud computing can keep information technology costs low by reducing or eliminating your need to maintain on-site technology infrastructure and an in-house tech team.

3. Backups and Disaster Recovery

Cloud-based data can be automatically backed up, meaning that you never have to fear that a crash will wipe out all your files.

4. Automatic Updating

Updating software can be a big hassle when that process needs to be carried out on individual machines on site. But with a cloud-based operation, software can be updated for all relevant machines automatically or with a single click.

5. Remote Work Abilities

Running software and storing files on the cloud makes it easy for employees to access them from anywhere. That means you can globalize your workforce, offer your employees the perk of working from home, or simply make accessing information while on business trips less of a headache.

6. Collaborative Work Enhancement

Working on the cloud allows employees to streamline workflows and collaborate more efficiently, whether they’re doing that from across a room or across the globe.

7. Better Security

As long as it’s properly managed, cloud computing can offer a very secure IT solution for businesses that would otherwise struggle to maintain good security measures. If you’re not sure how your system would interact with cloud servers (or if you have special privacy and security concerns), you can get a professional cloud computing assessment before you make any decisions.

Do you want to learn about cloud computing further, or are you ready for a cloud readiness assessment? Discuss what you’re looking for in the comments.

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