10 Tips to Create a Viral Video on Youtube

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It is important to know that it is not easy to make a successful video that spreads quickly through the web, or in another more common term “viralize content”. It is difficult to achieve our mission, but with the following 10 points, there is a high opportunity to achieve the video boost at very high viralization rates:

#1. The first 15 seconds are the main link , which explains and understands what the content of the entire video is about.

#2. That people can identify with some emotion or knowledge that they wish to share in their social networks through your video.  You have to include an intro, images and music that can generate added value to the content.

#3. The duration should be relatively short, the 10 advertising videos that got the most traction in the world last 4 minutes with 15 seconds. This condition will allow you to viralize your multimedia with much more success creating simplicity and less volatility in the subject to expose.

#4. Awaken feelings through content such as happiness, pride, vanity, sadness, etc., will allow your users to feel identified and thus be able to win more than a simple like, the generated feelings are able to be a viralization support when sharing and establishing a guideline Initial engagement

#5. At this point I recommend that you do not use a lot of publicity, if you do the opposite try to be subtle and not harass too much. “The users hate that a content is crammed with banners and marketing Bullshit”.

#6. It uses attractive music, which can be enjoyed by any type of person. “Do not put a metal cumbia, you will achieve that only a very small sector of the population likes your perspective.”

#7. Investigate which day of the week is optimal to launch your video , so you will achieve that the target audience focuses on your content.

#8. Generate Call to Action, that is, instructions within your videos such as subscribe, follow us on our social networks and even linkbuilding between videos or other friends that you recommend for your good networking.

#9. Thumbnail is the image that appears when sharing the content, it is important, since it manages to attract users to play the video. “The most important thing is that it must be a striking and easy to identify image”.

#10. This point is the cherry of the cake, because if you do not have an audience your video will not be able to go viral. There are companies like Virool , where you place the link of your video and invest a certain amount, they are responsible for boosting your initial traction by projecting it to a certain target audience of 20,000, 30,000 and up to 50,000 people from other audiences to achieve their main task: viralize


Following the above tips, you will have the opportunity to boost your video to the clouds; if you do not take it into account, it is most likely forgotten in the sea of ​​reproductions called Youtube . It is up to you and your creativity to create new and fresh content;)

Share it on your Timeline and make this cool formula be applied by everyone!

If you want to know how Youtubers create content, do not miss this article .

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